Homemade Laundry Soap

I save a TON making laundry soap myself.  I use a powdered version, but there are also liquid versions that work wonderfully as well. 

My personal powdered laundry detergent recipe:

1 bag Foca biodegradable powdered laundry detergent ($3)

1 4lb box 20 Mule Team Borax ($4)

1 small box of baking soda (0.50)

Mix everything together and thoroughly in a container large enough to hold it all.  Use it by the tablespoon.  1tbsp for small loads, 2tbsp for medium/small load, 3tbsp for medium/large load, and 4tbsp for large loads.  I usually add extra baking soda for smell-ier stuff, a litte extra of the laundry detergent for dirtier stuff,  and I also add white vinegar in the bleach reservoir for softness.  **Note the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar is very minimal and I haven’t had a problem with it foaming excessively or with a vinegar smell**  I have a family of 5 currently using this and it lasts us about 5 weeks.

These are other recipes I’ve come across that seem pretty good.

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine

4  Cups hot tap water
1  Bar Fels-Naptha, Castille, Zote, Colgate Octagon soap
1  Cup Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax

Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)

Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.

Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.

Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)

Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)


Powdered Laundry Detergent- Top load machine

1  Bar Fels-Naptha, Castille, Zote, or Colgate Octagon soap
1   Cup Washing Soda
½  Cup Borax

Grate soap or break into pieces and process in a food processor until powdered. Mix all ingredients. For light load, use 1 Tablespoon. For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 Tablespoons. Yields: 3 Cups detergent. (Approx. 40 loads)

5 responses to this post.

  1. Ok…what does it smell like? I like my clothes to smell good, not perfumy, but you know like the “fresh outdoors” except without the clothesline and sun. I saw that you could add EO, but does it effect how long you can keep it. I have a front loader…640 loads, yowza. I’m going to have to try this now. You’re killing me, lol! Oh, one last question, what is washing soda exactly?


    • Posted by motherswit on April 14, 2009 at 10:59 pm

      I haven’t been able to find it here which is why I went with the Foca instead. From what I’ve been told, washing soda (sodium carbonate) is NOT similiar to baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and is used as a cleaning booster. You can also use pH-up which is 100% sodium carbonate and is used in swimming pool maintenance.

      I don’t know about the other two recipes because I haven’t tried them, but I have tried Zote bar soap and it works really well. It, Castille, and Colgate Octagon can be used if you can’t find Fels Naptha. I’ve also been told you can use plain old Ivory bar soap as well.

      The one I use myself smells really fresh and not perfumy at all. I don’t use essential oils because I don’t feel it’s necessary. I like the fresh, clean smell myself.


  2. Where do you get the Foca? My family has major allergies and we have to use all non-scented stuff. I wonder if you can use the liquid castille, and if so how much?? Hmmmm…


    • Posted by motherswit on April 16, 2009 at 2:04 am

      I buy Foca at Sav-A-Lot and Super1Foods. It is scented. As far as the liquid castille goes, I honestly don’t have an idea of how it would work out. I guess you could try it out in the liquid recipe (without heating it) and see if it works. I’m not an expert, just passing along what works for me along with some other options.


  3. Interesting Read! Very detailed blog.
    Thanks for sharing


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